Wilson Garden Bangalore-30
Karnataka, India
+91 99720 33616 (IND) +1 813-556-6644 (USA)
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UniqHealth - PM + EMR + PHR

- Healthcare platform

Healthcare is becoming more sophisticated globally, and healthcare systems are turning to platforms to establish integrated and unified patient data repositories that serve as a single source of truth that is integrated, accessible, and capable of analysis and action. Utilizing platforms offers the advantage of adaptability as the data requirements of healthcare systems evolve over time.

Why UniqHealth solutions?

Single Solution Architecture : PM and EMR combined into a single Database.

Improves the quality of patient care.

HIPAA and HL7 standards compliant. EDI capability.

Supports multi-specialty groups to solo practitioners.

Interoperable with hospital systems, labs, and pharmacies.

Web Based Solution.

Benefits of Single Solution

A common registration process that encompasses the financial, clinical and - logistical aspects of patient care

Enhanced ease of use and simplified training.

Information sharing is easy which improves efficiency and workflow

No Integration Issues and No Duplication of data.

Easy access to Patient Info, Schedules, Clinical Charts and Financials

Safe Secure and Less Cost

Easier setup , support and data availability 24/7